This is an inflammation of the stomach and intestine, which could be caused by various reasons. A major symptom of the disease is diarrhea, but it may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Severity of the condition varies from mild to severe and even life-threatening. The right approach requires a detailed history collected that can identify not only the cause of diarrhea, but the risks of complications. Importance is the specification of the type of food that is consumed before the appearance of diarrhea, number of stools and their consistency, presence of impurities such as blood, mucus or pus
accompanying symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain and fever.
Types of gastroenteritis
According to the agent into the following types of gastroenteritis:
Viral gastroenteritis
- the most common cause is
Noroviruses and
Bacterial gastroenteritis
- may be caused by
Escherichia coli,
Shigella, and other types of bacteria.
Parasitic gastroenteritis
- the agents are parasites, mostly falling in the body with the food -
Entamoeba hystolitica,
Giardia lamblia.
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
rare gastro which can occur in both adults and children. Its cause is not fully understood, but an association with food allergies.
What causes stomach flu
Causes of stomach flu are very diverse. Viruses and bacteria are the most common of them. They are very contagious and can be spread through contaminated food or water. Infection is spread from person to person by the fecal-oral route - with bad hygiene and contamination of food with dirty hands.
Gastroenteritis caused by viruses that normally lasts for one - two days. Sometimes due to the bacteria, however, can continue much longer.
About 50 to 70% of viral gastroenteritis in adults is caused by the norovirus. They are highly contagious and spread quickly.
Norovirus infection happens mostly when eating food contaminated with them or touch other contaminated objects and putting hands in the mouth afterwards.
Another frequent cause of viral gastroenteritis are rotavirus. They primarily affect children in infant and early childhood and can cause severe diarrhea among dehydration.
Causes are viruses adenovirus, parvovirus astroviruses.
Bacterial gastroenteritis, unlike viral, pass more severe, more often leads to complications, but infection may affect other organs. Some of the bacteria that cause gastroenteritis, a toxin, which account for the symptoms.
Infection with Escherichia coli may entail significant complications of kidney, particularly during childhood. Other common causes of bacterial gastroenteritis are Shigella, Salmonella, Campilobacter.
Infection with Salmonella bacteria were mostly by consuming contaminated food, but also in close contact with birds and reptiles are carriers of the bacteria.
Prevalence of infection with Shigella can be done by consuming contaminated food or water, and swimming in polluted waters, and homosexual contacts in males.
Infection with Campylobacter most often by eating raw or poorly cooked chicken meat.
Parasitic gastroenteritis are less common than viral and bacterial. Infection with these small organisms it most commonly by consuming contaminated water or swimming in contaminated waters.
The most common causes gastroenteritis Giardia lamblia. Often become infected after ingestion of water from lakes and rivers contaminated with animal feces.
Another cause is Cryptosporidium, which is found in the intestinal tract of animals and is excreted in the feces. Infection occurs in a similar way Giardia lamblia, but mostly affects people with reduced immunity.
Other non-infectious gastroenteritis can be caused by chemical toxins contained mostly in seafood, food allergies, heavy metals, antibiotics and other drugs.
Symptoms of stomach flu :
As the name indicates, gastroenteritis (stomach flu) is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which most often occurs with vomiting and diarrhea.
The most common symptoms are :
Mild fever - not exceeding 38 degrees.
Nausea and vomiting;
Mild to moderate diarrhea;
Abdominal pain - incremental and relief after defecation.
Serious symptoms that require medical attention are :
Blood in the stool or vomit;
Vomiting over 48 hours;
Temperature greater than 40 degrees;
Swollen and tender abdomen;
Signs of dehydration - fatigue and dizziness, dry skin and mucous membranes, decreased urine output, and decreased sweating.
How to diagnose gastroenteritis
The disease is most often self-limiting, and maintenance therapy is aimed at controlling the symptoms and to prevent dehydration. Most often no further testing is required. For persistent symptoms or complications of the condition tests will be ordered. The germ is the most frequent in a sample of faeces. Furthermore, laboratory tests are appointed - complete blood count, electrolytes.
Important for diagnosis and limiting the spread of infection is thorough collection of the history of the disease. Importance are the data travels, contact poisons and irritants, antibiotics or other medications, changes in diet or eating questionable food, there are other ill family member.
Stomach flu treatment
Treatment of stomach flu is primarily supportive. It is better to make the so-called. Diet pause that facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
The most important thing is to ensure adequate intake of fluids adequately lost from vomiting and diarrhea. In profuse vomiting and inability to fluid intake by mouth, they are employed intravenously in a hospital setting. Used solutions rich electrolyte.
Antidiarrheal agents are not recommended, since they reduce peristalsis and the risk of invasion of bacteria from the intestine into the blood (bacteremia). However, they can be administered in mild diarrhea without the presence of blood.
If necessary, appoint anti-sickness medication, but they are not recommended in children.
Taking probiotics helps in faster recovery of normal intestinal flora.
In establishing the causative bacterial antibiotics are appointed by bacteriologic.
Treatment of stomach flu with herb
Some herbs and herbal extracts have a soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and
immune system boosters. Take the form of a tea or capsules.
Echinacea - has antibacterial properties and
boost the immune system;
Marshmallow - has soothing and anti-inflammatory;
Ginger - it is a real tonic for the stomach and intestines. Anti-inflammatory effect, relieves nausea and vomiting, decreased gastric pain and bloating;
Rosehips - act favorably on the diarrheal syndrome. Rosehip tea may be used instead of water for hydration. It is used in children.
Chamomile - soothes pain and discomfort in the stomach and intestines.
Stomach flu - Prevention :
Most important for the prevention of stomach flu has the respect of personal hygiene with regular hand washing. The food should also be washed thoroughly and pass through a sufficient heat treatment.