Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3 Stomach flu symptoms - What we eat?

Gastroenteritis, also known as "stomach flu" is a condition that usually causes inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Since it is viral, not bacterial, it can be treated with antibiotics. Symptoms of stomach flu include nausea, watery diarrhea and vomiting. Overall, not a serious illness, and most people recover completely within a short time. Its duration is approximately 3-5 days. Alleviation of stomach flu symptoms can be achieved by adhering to a diet. Who are they and what should be our behavior in the treatment of stomach flu? Preventing dehydration: Among the main objectives in the treatment of stomach flu is the restoration...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

0 All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part - 3

In this last part of the article "All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis" will describe: 6 Mastering 6.1 Rehydration 6.2 Diet 6.3 Antiemetics 6.4 Antibiotics 6.5 antidiarrhoeals 7 Epidemiology Mastering of stomach flu: Gastroenteritis of stomach flu usually occurs as an acute self-limited disease that does not require the use of drugs. The preferred treatment for mild to moderate cases of dehydration is oral rehydration therapy (AC). Metoclopramide and / or ondansetron, however, can help some children abutilskopolamin helps abdominal pain. Rehydration: The main treatment for stomach flu in both children and adults is rehydration. It is...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

0 All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 2

As promised, we continue with the theme "All of a stomach flu - Gastroenteritis." This article will describe: 3 Pathophysiology 4 Diagnosis 4.1 Dehydration 4.2 Differential diagnosis 5 Prevention 5.1 The environment 5.2 Vaccination Stomach flu pathophysiology Stomach flu symptoms was defined as of vomiting or diarrhea due to infection of the small intestine or colon. Changes in the small intestine are usually not inflammatory, and those in the colon are inflamed. Тхе number pathogens that are sufficient to be able to cause infection varies from one (for cryptosporidia) to 108 (zavibrio cholera). Diagnosis Stomach flu is diagnosed clinically...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

3 The flu: Prevention, Treatment, Flu vaccine and Medical care

The flu is caused by different but similar types of viruses. Flu epidemics of the disease occur mostly in the winter. The virus spreads rapidly, especially in places with lots of people, such as schools and offices. People in good general health is restored for several days without special treatment, others need advice. The flu usually starts suddenly with chills, fever, muscle aches and sneezing. Soon it may hurt your throat, dry cough occurs, increased skin sensitivity, eye pain, malaise and headache. During this time probably will not feel hungry. The fever accompanying flu generally lasts about 3-5 days. After the decline of simptomit...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

0 All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 1

In a series of articles will try to give complete information about gastroenteritis, commonly known as stomach flu.   Due to the huge volume of information will divide the article into 3 parts. I suggest you see what contained in all 3 articles. 1. Article 1:       1. Symptoms and signs       2.Reason       2.1 Viral       2.2 Bacterial       2.3 Parasite       2.4 Transmission       2.5 Non-infectious 2. Article 2:      3 Pathophysiology      4 Diagnosis      4.1 Dehydration    ...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2 What is stomach flu?

Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is a gastrointestinal infection caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Gastroenteritis is a condition associated primarily with hygiene and sanitary conditions of living, eating and living. Symptoms: The most characteristic stomach flu symptom is gastrointestinal upset, preceded by abdominal pain. Besides this characteristic disease symptoms can be expressed even in the presence of: - Temperature - Lack of appetite - Nausea - Vomiting - Weight loss and dehydration - Mucus or blood in the stool  Typically, viral gastroenteritis lasts a few days and goes away by itself. More serious, dangerous and...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

0 Influenza and stomach flu - symptoms, prevention and protection

The medical literature is described flu as Influenza. Influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory infection that usually occurs in the winter, to be distinguished from gastric flu. Viral Gastric flu is an infection that attacks the stomach and small intestine The flu usually occurs in epidemics. Most affected by the flu are children, people with chronic diseases and immune-suppressed people, although usually flu affects people of all ages. Influenza is associated with many complications, such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myositis, myocarditis, Reye's syndrome, encephalitis and pericarditis. Routes...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

0 The flu - symptoms, course of the disease, stomach flu symptoms.

The incubation period (the period between infection and onset of symptoms) is between 1-4 days. The beginning of the flu is an acute and usually involves a lot of typical disease symptoms. The clinical picture unfolds quickly, in a matter of hours. Previously healthy man suddenly gets chills, accompanied by fever mostly in the range 38 to 40 ° C. In the other patients there was a slight fever. Simultaneously appears highlighted flu syndromes: patients dropped out, relaxed, tired, unable to perform their daily work and are intoxicated. They have headaches, aching eyeballs, neck, lower back, pain in your muscles and joints, the body is "rock"....

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